Sunday, November 29, 2009

Day 90

I know it's been a while since my last update, but still going strong. Only 10 days to go.

So where was I for the last few weeks? Holiday! The mrs and I decides to take 2 weeks before the silly season starts and travel down the east coast of NZs north island... and it was awsome!

We visited a number of cheese salami, olive, wine and strawberry factories. All things I am allowed to indulge in.

I stuck to the no carbs and the running shoes went with. Weight myself this morning and on 91.5kg. Very satisfied with the result concedering all the food and cuppacinos I had during the holiday.

So the goal was to lose 10kg in 100 days. Still got 10 days and 1.5kg to go.

Weight lost to date: 8.5kg

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Friday, October 30, 2009

Day 60

I had a pretty bad week. Got up Monday morning feeling I'm coming down with something and by Wednesday night it was a full blown flu, hence my gym was sit cycling for an hour at very low intensity.

No supprise this morning when the scale just tipped below 94kg. I'm down to 93.8 .

I'm going on leave in 10 days time, so will try and recover from this illness and put in some hard yards to see if I can loose 1.5kg before going on our trip south.

Not that I'm planning to break the rules during my holiday, but I might just eat a bit more no-carb food than normal.

Weight lost to date: 6.2kg
Belt notch adjustments: 3
Next weigh-in: 9 November

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Day 50

Halfway - 50 / 50 however you look at it, it’s supposed to convince you that the 2nd half will be easier. Not sure if that will be the case, ‘cause being quite honest I’m getting lazy going to the gym every day, not to talk about the craving to grab a chocolate (not that I’m a sweet tooth) and “hurt” it.

Reflecting on the last 50 days, a number of visitors (domestic and work), lunches and dinners, parties and and and... a sore knee, good weather, bad weather, nothing has stopped me from sticking to my challenge and nothing will.

Weighed-in this morning and although it’s not a full kg I’m happy with the .75kg I managed to lose. I realise that the weight loss tempo will decrease and will be happy if I can keep losing 500g per weigh-in for the remaining 5 weigh-ins. ... well I’m really hoping that I can break the sub90 barrier, but need to stay realistic.

So, here’s to me for the remainder of the 100 days of fits: Best of luck!

Current weight: 94.2kg
Weight lost to date: 5.8kg
Belt notch adjustments: 2
Next weigh-in 30 October

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Day 44

I'll be lying if I say I'm not getting tempted to skip gym lately. The diet is fine, but going to the gym every night is getting hard.

We've had a few splendid evenings lately and all I want to do is go home after work, crack open a beer, fire up the BBQ and watch the birds come home.

But I'm nearly halfway and lost 5kg and not planning to give up now. So keep watching this space.

It's still 6 days to go before the next weigh-in and that will be halfway.

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Saturday, October 10, 2009

Day 40

It was all worth it. Saying no to the beers at the pub. No to the lovely morning tea, the desert at Wild fire, just to name a few of the temptations this week 'cause although I thought I'm in for a disappointment I still dropped 1kg.

This is a text book diet. I started my 100 days of fitness on 100kg and been losing 1kg every 10 days. To good to be true? Believe it!

For the last 40 days I avoid running at the gym for fear of injury, however being 5 kg lighter, I'll slowly start introducing running in my sessions over the next few weeks. The idea after all is to get way below 90 so I can get back at running marathons again.

Weight lost to date: 5kg
Belt adjustment to date: 1 notch

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Friday, October 9, 2009

Day 39

It is official. I had to adjust my belt to notch 3.

Tomorrow is weigh-in number 4 and not sure what to expect. Like I said I was battling with a soar knee and had to take it easy at the gym for a few days. On top of that are we having visitors at work so there were a few dinners and lunches. Will have to wait 'till the morning to see what the damage is.

Other than that, I'm now so in the habit of going to the gym daily that every thing is planned around that. We have a work funtion tonight and sad to say I'm now at the gym writing this post... it did not fit my schedule so I didn't go... Yea like I said, pretty sad, but if you want to achieve your goal you got to stick with program.

Next weigh-in : tomorrow
Weight lost to date : 4kg
Number of belt adjustments : 1 notch

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Saturday, October 3, 2009

Day 33

I thought I'll take it slow at the gym and give the knee a rest; hence I don't have great expectation for the coming weigh-in. The good news is after 4 days it’s already feel better.

We have a visitor over from Aus (work) and a bunch of us went to the Thirsty Dog, a local pub around the corner, on Thursday night. I was very surprised to find that they serve low carb beer. We’re getting more visitors next week and planning to take them to WildFire, a meat lover’s heaven. (have I already said, I don’t have great expectation...)

I started craving KFC. I hate KFC, it’s so greasy, but picked up a 10 pack last night on the way home. I think it might be more a case of Friday evening laziness and the only take away shop close to home. I’m busy creating the week’s shopping list and off to the shop soon, so no junk food tonight or for Sunday lunch.

Current weight: 96kg
Weigh lost to date: 4kg